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AzAHQ Presents: Optimizing Maternal and Infant Care through Arizona AIM Collaborative

05 Jan 2024
2:00pm - 3:00pm EST

FREE for NEAHQ members, $35 for non-members

NEAHQ Members:  On the registration page, select "Register Now" and then select the "NEAHQ" ticket type. Active NEAHQ membership will be verified by the associations.  

Addressing high rates of severe maternal morbidity (SMM) and maternal mortality is a priority for the State of Arizona.  SMM related to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy can lead to immediate and/or long-term consequences, including stroke and cardiomyopathy.  Arizona data demonstrate that there are disparities in care and outcomes.  Ms. Buchda will discuss how the implementation of evidence-based interventions using a collaborative approaches can improve care and reduce disparities.  



  1. Explain what safety bundles are and how they improve care and reduce disparities
  2. List the 5 “Rs” included in the AIM bundles
  3. Identify data elements used to measure progress
  4. Verbalize next steps for the AIM initiative


Vicki Buchda, MS, RN, NEA-BC   |  VP of Care Improvement   |  Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association

She is a highly skilled professional with demonstrated expertise in clinical and system leadership. Vicki is passionate about harm prevention, including harm from opioids, maternal health, advance care planning, health equity and the workforce.


This program is pending approval for 1.0 CE hours for CPHQ® recertification credit.



Registration for this event has passed

05 Jan 2024
2:00pm - 3:00pm EST

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